thanks for the tender insight into your life as a mother, which i feel really touched by. touched because i recognise my own felt experience in your experience, despite the fact i'm not a mother myself! it helped me to see the impact of the roles life gives us (or that we take on) and the expectations that go with them (or that we think go with them!), whatever the roles and expectations might be.

funnily enough, i realised today, just before reading your newsletter, that the expectations i think others have of me are the main factor in the various stresses i feel on a daily basis. i'm not sure yet how to deal with them differently, but identifying them for what they are is already an important first step! i'm curious to see what emerges :)

thank you for sharing your thoughts with such honesty 💗 you feel like a fellow traveller as i explore how to live life as my true self (not my stressed self!), and it feels really nice xx

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Thank you for for reflecting back how what I have shared touches you 🖤And what you are noticing rings true for me (re the expectations) - at the root of most of my stresses are internalised expectations, sometimes made up out of thin air, and sometimes based on actual experiences, observations and my sense of the world around me. I’m glad to be travelling alongside you as we untangle what if true from what is not as best we can 🥰

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Reading Glitter and Biscuits is now a favourite part of my weekend. Coffee in one hand, phone in the other, ready to read and reflect on your writing - bliss and biscuits xx

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Thank you Caroline ❤️ I have a big smile on my face as I imagine you drinking your cuppa and reading xxx

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thank you for the gentleness you bring to yourself as you address the thorny topic of acknowledging and beginning to truly meet your own needs, dear Claire. it helps me to bring gentleness to myself in that process, too!

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Thank you dear Kellita. You are one of my greatest teachers on how to be more gentle with myself. It tickles me that we get to reflect this way of being back to one another in the ways we do x

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Oh, this tickles me, too, dear Claire! What a wonderful co-mirroring experience :) x

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I can relate to this in so many ways as I sit here juggling what feels like quite a few heavy falls...

Thank you x

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It’s my pleasure Sarah. I’m glad what I’ve shared here resonates. Sending love xx

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