When I began Glitter and Biscuits, the commitment was to show up with what I have. I gave myself permission to bring both the sparkly revelations, and the non-remarkable. Today it is the latter. I find myself depleted.
Last week I had planned to slow down and savour the sweetness of submitting my book for editing. But stopping is the hardest thing for me. Who am I when I stop? When I’m not producing something meaningful or useful?
I am uncomfortable. I am uneasy. I am restless. But never for long, because it’s usually a matter of minutes before I move on to the next thing. This past week there has been plenty to distract me from the discomfort, but even conjuring the details of what that has been, feels forced.
Yesterday I spent most of my morning crafting a story to share with you, but this morning I have filed it away. It is not the truth of what I feel today. It was not the truth of what I felt when I wrote it.
So instead, I offer this prayer/poem. When I first read it some months ago, I sent it to a handful of friends and copied it by hand on the inside cover of my journal. I hope it brings you the comfort it brings me each time I read it.
May we honor life's inevitable ebb and flow. May we be patient with our own unfolding story. May we make space to listen: to our hearts, to our intuition, to the fiery core of knowing within, to the swift hum of desire, to the glimmers of insight that light the way forward, to the sacred as it weaves its way beneath the surface of our lives. May we trust choices that open space around our hearts, that rest easy on our shoulders, that balance lightly in the palms, that chime with graceful certainty in the center of our beings. By Molly Remer
With thanks to Molly for her permission to share this here, and to you for your company.
With love,
Find me elsewhere:
Instagram: @clairemackinnonwrites
Website: clairemackinnon.com
LinkedIn: Claire Mackinnon